Our Favorite Things

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


I never even changed a diaper before Charlotte came into the world. Now I find myself completely alone, being stared down by a needy (and absolutely adorable) infant. Although I have two nieces whom I love dearly, I wasn't one to babysit without recruiting the help of super nanny aka my younger sister Natalie. When I would express my concern of potential motherhood inadequacy, moms reassured me that it comes naturally. 

After Charlotte came into my life, I was only working with the couple skills that I picked up during the first week—breastfeeding and rocking. There were a small number of times that Charlotte overate because she had a tummy ache. To my surprise breastfeeding on demand didn't equal feeding her for hours at a time, even if she thought that was what she wanted. Now it sounds silly, but at the time I just thought she was still hungry. 

Thankfully, I've learned to decipher when she is hungry from when she has gas, is bored or just wants to be cuddled, rocked and sung to. Being able to determine what she needs and the ability to keep her happy has actually come naturally to me just as all those moms had said it would!

I feel like a different person. Her and I are completely in tune with when she's ready to nurse, and I know what to expect in her diaper over a 24 hour period. I'm grateful my own mother has given me more guidance and advice than I could have ever hoped for. How else would I know how hot to make her baths and tricks to get her to fall asleep when she's fussy? She is getting more aware and smarter everyday, and I know that she's well taken care of. 

Now if a new mom confided her worries to me, I'd give her the same advice I received—motherhood will come naturally. And it rocks!


  1. Hi Jaime I'm trying to create a blog, and I'm so confused. I created a google+ app but I just don't know where to start. Any tips?

  2. Yeah, go to Blogger.com and it will prompt you to sign into your account. From there it should redirect you to your homepage, and on the left hand side there's a button to create a new blog.

    Let me know if that helps! :)
