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Our Poster From the Puscifer / A Perfect Circle Show |
The instant I met eyes with the little girl who had been jammed up in my rib for months, the purest love came into my life. Having a child sends you into some type of euphoric daze that never seems to wear off.
My family was there from the onset of my labor, and they have continued to support me immensely. There is nothing better than the guidance and relief given by family, especially following the birth of a child. Not only are there a million chores to be done, but following Charlotte's birth Josh and I could barely wrap our minds around the miracle of all that happened. As we reflect today, we remember the hospital being nothing short of a blur. We look back on it now and laugh about how completely in shock and detached from reality we both were.
I'm pretty sure we spent three or four days staring down Charlotte in joy and disbelief. I was (and still am!) so impressed with this little being before me. From the moment I first held my sweet angel, life felt the way it was always supposed to be.
Josh and I showed up to my mom's house with pumped breast milk in one hand, Charlotte in the other. I was dressed comfortably and cute, and I was ready to have a great night.
It wasn't until Charlotte was two and a half months old that I came out of my euphoric newborn daze. The realization that I was now a mother to this beautiful young child came naturally, but the time had come to ditch my little minion for a few hours.
Back in October 2013, my fiance bought us tickets to see one of our favorite bands, A Perfect Circle. I remember laughing at the time, rubbing my small growing belly and texting my mom to see if she could babysit May 10th, months after Charlotte was due to be born. Thankfully, she agreed to babysit seven months in advance. Only the world's best grandma commits to babysitting an unborn child on a future date. The months flew by, Charlotte joined us, and the concert was right around the corner. Charlotte and I were extremely attached, and at this point I had only left her side one time for two hours.
Back in October 2013, my fiance bought us tickets to see one of our favorite bands, A Perfect Circle. I remember laughing at the time, rubbing my small growing belly and texting my mom to see if she could babysit May 10th, months after Charlotte was due to be born. Thankfully, she agreed to babysit seven months in advance. Only the world's best grandma commits to babysitting an unborn child on a future date. The months flew by, Charlotte joined us, and the concert was right around the corner. Charlotte and I were extremely attached, and at this point I had only left her side one time for two hours.
Josh and I showed up to my mom's house with pumped breast milk in one hand, Charlotte in the other. I was dressed comfortably and cute, and I was ready to have a great night.
We handed Char off to grandma, and upon saying our good-byes, I began to tear up. Wearing liquid eyeliner, I knew crying was definitely not an option, and if I started the waterworks it would never end. So, I scurried my butt out the door as quickly as I could in order to stop the sobbing that was about to occur.
We arrived at the concert, had a couple drinks and spent way too much money on a signed poster. A Perfect Circle started playing as we were in the concession stand grabbing nachos, and we rushed back to our seats to see an amazing concert. The show was unique in that the three bands on the bill rotated sets, none of them playing more than a couple songs at a time. They would wheel one drummer off as he finished the song, while another drummer was brought on.
I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of my first night away, but there was one problem. Every time A Perfect Circle came on to play, I found myself immediately sobbing uncontrollably. I listened to this band almost everyday while I was pregnant. Somehow it had become an anthem to my undying love for my sweet little girl Charlotte. Each time they took over the stage, I found myself balling, liquid eyeliner running absolutely everywhere, forced to use Josh's sleeve as a tissue.
Once we finally got back to Charlotte about an hour after the concert ended, I wasn't sure that I'd ever leave her side again.
Charlotte will be four months old on Sunday, and my mom offered to watch Charlotte tonight, because she thought I needed a little time away. Time changes everything, and leaving her was not an issue for me this time. I didn't tear up at the door . . . come to think of it, I'm not sure if I even said good-bye. Okay, that sounds horrible, but in actuality, she tends to cry for me when I remind her that I'm there when someone else is holding her. So, by not saying good-bye, I was doing everyone a favor.
Yes, I love her more than life itself, but I was ready for a couple hours of freedom. I spend 24/7 with my angel babe, and her short naps and long nighttime sleeps are still busy times for me. If I'm not writing for my blog, I'm typing away, creating an article that is money! So, having a couple hours of real freedom to do whatever I please means so much these days. I'm very grateful, because when I leave Charlotte, I'm leaving her with the best of the best, my parents.
Following a night of Mexican food, mini golf and go-carts, Josh and I went to grab Char from my parents' house around 9:30 p.m. We walk in to see Charlotte in love with her Grandpa, knocked out, cuddled up on his chest. Before leaving, I'm sure to thank them for allowing me a date night. My dad tells me that it's important Josh and I have some time to ourselves, and he says we should utilize them to babysit at least once or twice a week. Leaving there I was laughing to Josh . . . I've only taken advantage of their babysitting a handful of times, even though they constantly offer.
I'm very attached to this little girl. I like to think that she prefers that I do everything for her (because she does). Our need for one another is mutual. She depends on me for virtually everything, and I want to be there to give her everything she needs. However, every once in a while, it's nice to have my body to myself (she's still exclusively breastfed and is RARELY bottle-fed), and it's also amazing to spend some alone time with Josh. So what if we talk about Charlotte constantly even when she isn't around? What else would you expect? She's our world.
I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of my first night away, but there was one problem. Every time A Perfect Circle came on to play, I found myself immediately sobbing uncontrollably. I listened to this band almost everyday while I was pregnant. Somehow it had become an anthem to my undying love for my sweet little girl Charlotte. Each time they took over the stage, I found myself balling, liquid eyeliner running absolutely everywhere, forced to use Josh's sleeve as a tissue.
Once we finally got back to Charlotte about an hour after the concert ended, I wasn't sure that I'd ever leave her side again.
Charlotte will be four months old on Sunday, and my mom offered to watch Charlotte tonight, because she thought I needed a little time away. Time changes everything, and leaving her was not an issue for me this time. I didn't tear up at the door . . . come to think of it, I'm not sure if I even said good-bye. Okay, that sounds horrible, but in actuality, she tends to cry for me when I remind her that I'm there when someone else is holding her. So, by not saying good-bye, I was doing everyone a favor.
Yes, I love her more than life itself, but I was ready for a couple hours of freedom. I spend 24/7 with my angel babe, and her short naps and long nighttime sleeps are still busy times for me. If I'm not writing for my blog, I'm typing away, creating an article that is money! So, having a couple hours of real freedom to do whatever I please means so much these days. I'm very grateful, because when I leave Charlotte, I'm leaving her with the best of the best, my parents.
Following a night of Mexican food, mini golf and go-carts, Josh and I went to grab Char from my parents' house around 9:30 p.m. We walk in to see Charlotte in love with her Grandpa, knocked out, cuddled up on his chest. Before leaving, I'm sure to thank them for allowing me a date night. My dad tells me that it's important Josh and I have some time to ourselves, and he says we should utilize them to babysit at least once or twice a week. Leaving there I was laughing to Josh . . . I've only taken advantage of their babysitting a handful of times, even though they constantly offer.
I'm very attached to this little girl. I like to think that she prefers that I do everything for her (because she does). Our need for one another is mutual. She depends on me for virtually everything, and I want to be there to give her everything she needs. However, every once in a while, it's nice to have my body to myself (she's still exclusively breastfed and is RARELY bottle-fed), and it's also amazing to spend some alone time with Josh. So what if we talk about Charlotte constantly even when she isn't around? What else would you expect? She's our world.
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