Thursday, November 20, 2014

Surviving Breastfeeding — One Bite at a Time

My parenting priorities are shifting, and I'm learning to become more creative every day . . . which is exactly what having a nine-month-old will do to you! What used to work just doesn't have the same appeal to my baby anymore. Her new tendencies are forcing me to reconsider my approach to many aspects of our relationship, with breastfeeding at the front and center of the issue.

Between the biting, scratching and pinching, breastfeeding has been full of all new challenges. Anyone who thinks that a mother continues breastfeeding for her own personal enjoyment has clearly never had to deal with the trials and tribulations that come with breastfeeding a newborn who can't latch, an infant who wants boob 24/7 or a pre-toddler with a full mouth of teeth.

I have said from the beginning that breastfeeding has been my go-to mom trick. Whether Charlotte is fussy, hungry, sleepy or even hurt, a little boob makes everything so much better. However, I've had to completely shift this way of thinking lately, because little miss seven teeth has another agenda, and it is usually painful for mom. I only offer Charlotte the boob when she is genuinely hungry, or else I'm guaranteed to get bit hard enough to leave a scab. Although she is less likely to bite me at first when she's hungry, if I leave her on to the point that she gets bored or curious, I'm in for a bite. 

Oh, and then there's the pinching and scratching that comes along with all this. And while the painful peak is during breastfeeding, the abuse comes throughout the day.

The only advice I have for other moms is to take your baby off the breast when they start biting. Other than that, I'm curious if there are other ways to help end the pain. I'm surviving breastfeeding one bite at a time, but I would love to hear advice from other moms below!

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