Saturday, November 29, 2014

40 Weeks In — 40 Weeks Out

Best 80 weeks of my life!

I feel quite different than I did 40 weeks ago . . . I'm definitely more comfortable, confident, and although I'm still sleep-deprived, it is largely by-choice. Although pregnancy was a magical time in my life, there is no comparison to spending every day face-to-face with my sweet daughter. Motherhood is so meaningful, and compared to pregnancy, it has been much more enjoyable in my experience.

First on the list is that I love having my body back. Although I'm still breastfeeding and constantly attached to sweet Charlotte, I'm well below my pre-pregnancy weight, and I appreciate being able to lift, move and work like I did before I got pregnant. Another great advantage of not being pregnant anymore is the fear of the unknown has subsided. I'm no longer waking up constantly throughout the night counting movements or obsessing over every small detail of labor, delivery and the health of my baby. 

Overall, the 40 weeks it took to grow Charlotte inside seemed to last three times longer than the time that has passed since Charlotte has been born, and I can only imagine that this will be the theme of my life from here on out. Charlotte was just a sparkle in her daddy's eye 80 weeks ago, and now she is here filling everyone's lives with laughter, slobbery kisses, pure joy and truckloads of unconditional love.


  1. I love this. Such a great read and well written. James and I both say we are so happy she is in our lives. We love her oh so very much.

    1. Thanks Ash! That means a lot to me. Charlotte is such a joy to be around, and she's lucky that she has an AWESOME family that gets to enjoy her as much as Josh and I do.

  2. I love following you....beautiful written and what a wonderful mother you have become :)

    1. Thank you so much! And you were absolutely right, it's definitely the best promotion! ;)
