Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Seven-Month-Old Milestones

Teething - You can typically expect your baby to cut their first tooth between their fifth and seventh month, so chances are at seven-months-old, you are attending to a drooly, fussy baby from time to time. Charlotte cut her first tooth around six months, so if you're looking for teething pointers, look no further than here.

Motor Skills - Babies really start to master their fine motor skills in the seventh month. You may start to notice your child having a preference for one toy over another, as well as the new-found ability to hold a sippy-cup or onto their spoon. Charlotte has been doing all of the above, and I love watching how much stronger and better coordinated her movements get every day. Watching her army crawl over to the bookshelf and pull of a book today, only to then eat it, I was very impressed with how well she follows through with her intentions.

Food - Now that your baby is getting older, most pediatricians would have already recommended that your infant should start on solid foods. If that is the case, your baby is probably ready to eats food with the consistency being a little thicker than purees. Be sure to check with your pediatrician first. I tend to take things slower, so I will probably wait to introduce a thicker consistency of food until I get the okay from my baby's pediatrician at next month's appointment.

Three Months Milestones

Language - You may notice a difference in your baby's language skills this month. Many babies by this point are babbling consonants within their baby talk, responding to their name, expressing their happiness or frustration vocally, among other language milestones. Charlotte in particular sounds like she's the lead singer of a heavy metal band or the squeakiest little fairy-chipmunk in all the land . . . there is no in between.

There is nothing more satisfying than watching your child light-up as they learn and grow. What are your favorite seven-month milestones?

Six Month Milestones

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